We dedicate 10% of profits to a list of trusted, charitable organizations.
Shop MonkVee productsMonkVee is on a mission beyond sweetening the lives of our customers. We want to sweeten the lives of many more as the world is in desperate need of more kindness. That is why with every purchase you make we donate 10% of profits to charities focused on helping humanity. We appreciate every purchase you make as you are one of many who are doing REAL good for the world. You can feel great knowing you chose a healthy sugar-alternative sweetener and helped someone in need. It doesn't get sweeter than that! For a list of charities we fund through your purchase see the list below. In the future, we hope to integrate charities you wish to support through your purchase as well. Thank you for your support and your kindness. Share MonkVee with your family and friends and together we can continue to positively impact the world one sweet day at a time.
You are making a BIG difference.
By purchasing MonkVee products, you are literally helping people have access to food, shelter, medicine, safety, and more. This is the way the world should be. You get delicious, healthy products, and at the same time help a stranger who is in need.
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